Parents share an unprecedented bond with their children. It is the parent’s responsibility to give a nurturing, caring, and healthy atmosphere for their child to grow up in. Children look up to their elders and acquire from them. Parents should keep in understanding that young children are very sensitive, what parents say to their children...
What Not To Say In Front Of Your Kids

Parents share an unprecedented bond with their children. It is the parent’s responsibility to give a nurturing, caring, and healthy atmosphere for their child to grow up in. Children look up to their elders and acquire from them. Parents should keep in understanding that young children are very sensitive, what parents say to their children may have a more persistent and damaging subconscious effect than expected and can do more harm than good.
Hallmark Public School, Being the best school in Panchkula have listed here some of the regularly used expressions that parents should avoid while talking to their children:
● Don’t Cry Now! : Kids usually cry when they do something wrong and know that they will be punished or even when they are frightened or hurt. Parents should not push their children to stop crying by yelling out “stop crying now”.
What to say: “It’s alright to cry but you will be punished because you have done wrong.” Or
If kids are frightened then try “it’s ok child, it’s ok to be afraid. But you are safe here. We still love you.”
● You are an idiot: This is the most hurtful thing to say to your child. Your child looks to you for your endorsement in whatever they do. But if you say this, you are killing their self-esteem and making them dependent on the outside world for approval for all their actions.
What to say: “Nobody is flawless, I know you’ll do much better next time.”
● You are a disappointment: Every human makes mistakes! So will your kids. As a parent, you must explain to them their mistakes and guide them to overcome their mistakes. Wasting your rage on them will get you nowhere. Telling your kid that they disappoint you is not an answer.
What to say: “What you did was incorrect, and when I explain to you why, you will notice that you are a more reliable person than this and you can do so much better”
Every child is unique and has distinct levels of feeling. Keep your eyes and ears open. See how your child responds to separate things. We at Hallmark Public School, one of the top schools in Panchkula understand that children learn a lot from their elders so they should take care of what not to do and speak in front of youngsters.