Our lives have turned upside down as the coronavirus is marching across the globe. And the only way to stop is to hunker down and maintain physical distancing. And this doesn’t come so naturally to us and it states truer for children. While most parents are working from home and children are being home-schooled, we...
Teaching Resilience To Your Child During Lockdown

Our lives have turned upside down as the coronavirus is marching across the globe. And the only way to stop is to hunker down and maintain physical distancing. And this doesn’t come so naturally to us and it states truer for children. While most parents are working from home and children are being home-schooled, we don’t know when this is going to end. Just like adults, children too are filled with anxiety and frustration. Entangled with uncertainty and negativity, the children should be taught how to become more resilient if the parents want them to grow up to become healthy and confident adults. Hallmark Public School, the best school in Panchkula, helps us understand what resilience really means here.
Resilience is the ability of a person to fight or bounce back from difficulties in life. Here what you need to do to make your kid more resilient. Following are the 3 keys that can help inculcate resilience in your child:
Secure Attachment:
Your child needs to have a secure attachment with at least one parent or an adult. When a child feels secure, he/she feels comfortable going up to their parents who they trust anytime for anything. This will aid them to face difficulties with resilience.
When your child says something to you, always pay attention and look at him in the eye and listen without jumping to the conclusion. Try to have open conversations with your kid regarding different topics. You shall get to know their opinions and expectations as well.
Community Support:
To help your child build good community connections, make your child connect virtually to his immediate family, friends, teachers, coaches, mentors, and peers, etc as social distancing doesn’t mean emotional distancing.
When your child will feel a part of a group, she will have a sense of belonging. Encourage your child to help others and if your child’s behaviour upsets you, use ‘I’ statements instead of “You” statements.
Emotional Strength:
Your child must be continually exposed to news related to the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s understandable if he/she could be suffering from a variety of emotions and anxiety. Your child is always learning from you so always keep your calm under distressing situations.
Make your child more vocal about the emotions he is feeling and teach your child to take slow breaths whenever he is feeling panicky.
Having the correct mindset can help your child beat any obstacle and bounce back quickly. Hallmark Public School, listed among the best schools in Tricity, encourages all parents to reflect on what you and your children can put together to make this tough situation a better, and a happier time. Your chance to develop resilience in your child is now!