Mr. Pankaj Nain (IPS), Director, Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Haryana, applauded Taj Goel of Hallmark Public School’s Mark-10 Shooting Sports Academy for being selected for the Indian Shooting Team under the able guidance and mentorship of Coaches Mr. Dinesh Kumar and Mr. Sahil Rana. It was a moment of great pride and immense pleasure for all of us.
Taj Goel got selected for the Indian Shooting Team

Mr. Pankaj Nain (IPS), Director, Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Haryana, applauded Taj Goel of Hallmark Public School’s Mark-10 Shooting Sports Academy for being selected for the Indian Shooting Team under the able guidance and mentorship of Coaches Mr. Dinesh Kumar and Mr. Sahil Rana.
It was a moment of great pride and immense pleasure for all of us.