An instructor isn’t just advanced with learning and aptitude in their insight and mastery in their subject yet, also, has a few abilities that isolate him/her from the group. One such ability is patience. Everyone is well aware of Miss Sullivan who not only taught Helen Keller but also drove her away from darkness towards...
Importance Of Patience While Teaching

An instructor isn’t just advanced with learning and aptitude in their insight and mastery in their subject yet, also, has a few abilities that isolate him/her from the group. One such ability is patience. Everyone is well aware of Miss Sullivan who not only taught Helen Keller but also drove her away from darkness towards the light. It was her patience that helped her teach a blind and deaf girl.
Hallmark Public School, the best school in Panchkula, brings you some reasons why patience is important while teaching:
• Slow Learners
Every student is different in oneself. While some students are quick, some may take several attempts to learn a concept. Patience goes a long way while teaching such slow learners.
• Different Classroom Situation
A classroom accommodates several students who are unique in themselves. Some students are obedient and quiet while others are disruptive. A teacher must employ different strategies to deal with a different class of students. It requires a great deal of patience on the teacher’s part to adapt to different classroom situations.
• Work pressure
A teacher is a source of connectivity between the institution and students. He/ She is often encountered with a situation where he/she feels pressurized by the faculty but he/she has to ensure not to reflect it in his/her behavior. It is only by patience that one can learn to smile through the work pressure while teaching.
• Various Kinds of guardians
While teaching, a teacher is not only dealing with different classes of students or faculty but also various kinds of guardians. Just like every child is unique in oneself, every guardian is too. Some guardians are obnoxious and often complain about the teaching style. A teacher has to be patient, calm, and composed while dealing with such guardians.
• Balanced work and personal life
The teaching profession is mostly female dominant. She has to fulfill her household as well as professional responsibilities. Patience is the key to strike a balance between the two.
Hallmark Public School, counted among the top school in Panchkula, strongly advocates that apart from patience, other skills such as adaptability to new situations, thirst for knowledge and innovative style of teaching makes one an effective educator. A good teacher is never just a teacher rather the manager of the world’s greatest resources- children.