With rising population and urbanization of cities, the green cover is getting depleted by the day. Making it essential for schools to focus on increasing the green cover in their premises. Hallmark Public School, one of top 10 schools in Tricity, believes it’s the need of the hour for schools to increase green cover in their...
Importance Of Having Plants In The School

With rising population and urbanization of cities, the green cover is getting depleted by the day. Making it essential for schools to focus on increasing the green cover in their premises. Hallmark Public School, one of top 10 schools in Tricity, believes it’s the need of the hour for schools to increase green cover in their establishment.
Plants Make the Air Pure
Plants actually absorb various pollutants from the air and release oxygen in the air! It’s part of their natural process, a phenomenon also called as photosynthesis. A decrease in pollutants and an increase in oxygen levels means the air is purer and cleaner for children. This, apart from other benefits, can lead to an increase in brain productivity for children.
Plants Help Soothe the Senses
Plants and more specifically, the color green helps to soothe the senses. Precisely the reason why, hospitals use the color green extensively. Having plants all around is the best way to surround oneself with green.
Students Learn the Importance of Plants and Life in General
There is a term specifically for this; “BIOPHILIA – A love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms.
With plants around them, children learn the importance of plants and respect for life in general. This is an important lesson they imbibe in as they grow up.
Plants Help in Education
Tailor made lessons should be included in the curriculum that will help students to learn about various facts from plants such as their growth. Moreover, the trees will increase the students’ interest in botany by serving as live examples.
Plants Attract Other Life
Plants and trees attract other life forms such as birds, squirrels etc., thus, making the school environment truly close to the nature.
Plants Help in Play
Last but not the least, plants and trees serve as great props for various games children play!
There are numerous other benefits to be had with increased green cover in schools. All schools should make a conscious effort to increase the same.