Technology has revolutionized the education industry. It has changed the way teachers and students interact in the classrooms. Technology has helped in making students learn creatively and through wild imagination allowing students to think outside the box and understand things in a whole new different way and multiple perspectives. Teachers who find some topics difficult...
Effects Of Technology on Education Industry

Technology has revolutionized the education industry. It has changed the way teachers and students interact in the classrooms. Technology has helped in making students learn creatively and through wild imagination allowing students to think outside the box and understand things in a whole new different way and multiple perspectives. Teachers who find some topics difficult to deliver in the classrooms, technology like smart classes has made it easier for the students to learn and teacher to teach.
Making use of audio-visual aids in the classrooms has shown an enormous effect on enhancing learning capabilities of the children. Conducting tests and exams today have changed like never before. Not only the computers are being used to conduct massive number of exams through internet at national level competitions but schools these days are also making an effective use of computer applications and software to analyze and assess the student’s grades and performance of the child in the classroom. Advancement in technologies like Augmented Reality and Machine Learning are being used to develop the educational games which prepares the psychometric report of the students at the end of each game that helps in identifying their strong and weak zones.
Technology is not only being used to assess the academic performance of a child but also has helped students to become more self-disciplined and live a healthy lifestyle. Gadgets like smart-watches, tablets and various health & fitness mobile applications have helped millions to change the way they live and learn about health and nutrition in everyday life. Through technology, sports games and activities have become easier to conduct and measure the performance of the participants from running speed to finish time more accurately and precisely.
IoT and Robotics have made one of the major breakthroughs in the history of education for disabled and physically challenged students. Hearing aids, robotic arms and smart screens have changed their dreams into reality.
Technology is a blessing if one uses it in a healthy manner. We cannot deny the endless possibilities and learning opportunities technology can and has given rise to. A time may come when there will no longer be a need for the students or children to go to school anymore. Everything they need to learn and know about will be just one touch away. One can learn and master anything by just downloading a lesson and uploading it into their brain.
Hallmark Public School, best school in Chandigarh, adheres to deliver great education by infusing best technology and standards of teaching and learning.