Merit Certificate in the Aviation Elocution Contest

On the occasion of Aviation Day Celebrations, Vani Trehan of Class-X received a Merit Certificate in the Aviation Elocution Contest organised by the Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai in collaboration with the Aeronautical Society of India and the Ministry of Culture, India, where she was among the top 13 contestants. It’s a pleasure to see someone as deserving as you achieving such great success.

Talent Hunt Mark-10

  A five-day camp was held at Hallmark Public School’s Mark-10 Shooting Sports Academy in Sector-15, with 37 city youngsters actively participating in the shooting competition. Players aged 11-18 attended the camp as per COVID rules. The camp instilled in the children the importance of pursuing a profession in rifle shooting. At the same time, sponsorship is provided to ten youngsters who...

‘भारत को जानो’ प्रतियोगिता में गौरीश गर्ग ने जीता प्रथम पुरस्कार”

चुनौतियों को स्वीकार कर अपने जीतने की संभावना को संभव बनाते हुए हॉलमार्क पब्लिक स्कूल की कक्षा नौवीं के गौरीश गर्ग ने भारत विकास परिषद् द्वारा आयोजित जिला स्तर की ‘भारत को जानो’ प्रतियोगिता में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त करके विद्यालय को गौरवान्वित किया । इसके साथ कक्षा नौवीं के छात्र कार्तिक ठाकुर ने भी एकल गायन प्रतियोगिता में सराहनीय प्रस्तुति दी...

Chandigarh State Shooting Championship – 2021

Hallmark’s star shooters are taking the unconventional road to strengthen their wit. PRIYAL SOOD Won Bronze medal 🥉 in sub-youth, Youth and Junior Air-Pistol Women Category. AVIRAJ BIRTHAL won Silver Medal 🥈 in Youth and Junior Air-Pistol men Category. NAAZ Won the Bronze🥉 medal in Youth and senior Air-rifle women and Silver 🥈Medal in Junior Air-rifle Women Category. SHAURYA RAGHAV Won the Gold Medal 🥇 in...

Gold Medals in SGFI National School Games-2019

  “Winning Team Gold Medals in SGFI National School Games-2019 was really an exciting experience but more exciting is receiving its prize money now”, shared Puru Raj Birthal & Lavya Chadha of Class-IX as they received the Cash Awards worth ₹50,000/- from Haryana Sports Department for their brilliant performance in Air-Rifle U-14 Men & Women Categories respectively in SGFI National School Games-2019 held in Bhopal.

4th International Online Mathematics Competition- BRICSMATH

Hallmarkites won accolades for their remarkable performance in the 4th International Online Mathematics Competition- BRICSMATH wherein they were awarded with Certificates of Winner, Certificates of Achievement and Certificates of Participation. “Competitions like BRICS MATH not only cultivate the children’s interest in Mathematics but also develop their logical reasoning skills which further facilitate them in improving their scores in academics.”...

Hallmarkites Won Salvo Shooters Cup

  Congratulations to Taj Goel, Rashmeet Kaur, Pururaj Birthal, and Sumohit for their outstanding performances in the 2020 Salvo Shooters Cup Shooting Championship, where Taj Goel took home home the Gold Medal with a score of 395/400 and a cash prize of ₹3100, Rashmeet Kaur took home the Silver Medal with a cash prize of ₹2100, and Pururaj Birthal took home the Bronze Medal with a cash prize of ₹1100.

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